Election Interference: USA vs Russia

Visualizing U.S. and Russian foreign electoral interference from 1946 through 2000


Both the U.S. and Russia have long histories of interfering in foreign elections. In order to provide historical and geographic context to this phenomenon, I mapped known instances of U.S. and Soviet/Russian electoral interference from 1946 through 2000.

The underlying data comes from: Dov H. Levin 2016. “Partisan Electoral Interventions by the Great Powers: Introducing the PEIG Dataset” Conflict Management and Peace Science Early View. The dataset is available by request: dovhlevin.com/datasets

The audio includes speeches from:

  • Harry Truman, "A Public Man Must Live in the Present" (1955)
  • Ronald Reagan, "Evil Empire" speech (1983)
  • George H.W. Bush in response to shoot-down of Iranian passenger flight by US Navy (1988)

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Tools used: Python, Processing (Java), Unfolding Maps library for Processing